

2021-09-13 来源:汇意旅游网
Conversation 1:

A:I have been thinking about a particular person or group of people who need financial help and I’d like to help them. B:Sounds great.I’m with you on that.

A:I think we should organize an event to raise money for this case.

B:How about organizing a sponsored punting or a sponsored concert?

A:The former is better.When punting on the river ,people can enjoy the beautiful scene on the side of the river. B:OK ,Let’s make some plans using a list about what we need to do.

A:Well,we have decided the design of the sponsorship form.Then we should divide the work .

B:First ,let’s make sure the date of the charity event. A:I think this Sunday is a good choice.People often have two-day weekend. A lot of people will come here to visit the sponsored punting.

B:It will make things easier .Next I will make sure the place where the sponsored punting will start.

A:so I will be in change of the wording of the sponsorship form.

B:We need to prepare everything faultlessly.When that day coming,we will present a wonderful game.

Conversation 4:

A:Hi,honey,I read a funny news story this morning. B:I’m really curious about it.What’s going on?

A:That is,a boy named Robin Smith enjoys taking pictures behind people in order to grasp the moment that people have nature expressions.

B:It’s not weird.What happened next?

A:One day,he saw a attractive girl who looks extremely elegant .Therefor he wanted to catch a beautiful screen .Then he followed her for a while.Just have a guess,what would occur to the boy?

B:haha,This guy is a little out of the ordinary.I can’t help listening the ending.Go ahead.

A:The girl was aware of someone is following her.She felt so scared that she called the police stealthily.Eventually the boy was arrested.

B:Oh,that’s too bad.The boy is not so lucky.

A:Finally,when the mistake was clear,the boy came out the police station safely.

B:What a fantastic news.where do you usually get such news.

A:I read these news from microblog. B:It’s actually a nice choice.I will have a try.

Conversation 6:

A:Hi,Kate,where are you going?

B:Well,I’m going to attend a basketball match.Would you like to come and give me a favour?

A:I’m worried I couldn’t .Today I have to finish an important experiment.But I can come later.So,please tell me how I get there.

B:That’s great.Let me tell you the right way.First,you should go down the Queen street.Then turn right into Aldates street,you need to walk along for a while on this road.When you cross over the Folly street,just look

towards right ,you will see a large basketball ground. A:That’s good.I am familiar with the route .

B:Tell you an exciting news. Our team won the last match at this place yesterday. A:Well done,you are amazing!

B:This event means a lot to me.If our wins this march,we will get a chance to be trained by a famous coach from now on.So I can’t help thinking we may not win this time. A:Need not get nervous.You are good at basketball.Just believe yourself. Everything will be OK.

Conversation 3:

A:Hey Kate,my watch should disappeared!where is it?It’s unbelievable!I just used it when I was studying.

B:Really?Calm down yourself and think over where you had just left it.

A:I just stayed in the classroom studying and put my watch on my desk.Oh,there must be someone who has stolen it.The creep!How could he do that thing.

B:That’s too bad ,no one would like to lost that important thing.

A:Yes,you know,my father just bought the watch a few days ago.It was really important to me.what’s more, it cost a fortune.I’m too disappointed to think what to do now. B:Don’t worry.We can ask some students for information and go to check the lost and found office.Besides,I could ring the police for you.

A:Kate,I have gone to the police station to report it. B:What did they said?

A:No one has found it.To make it worse,there is a man said that our university has a high rate of losing things. B:What a terrible thing!No wonder you lose your watch.And what else did he say?

A:He said that many thieves may sell the stolen things to others,then people find them.

B:So your watch might get back.I hope you can find it soon.

Conversation 2:

A:Hi Cathy,are you busy?

B:Yes,I’m just writing my research report of this term.But it’s great to see you,so how’s everything going these days. A:It’s awful,I have just had words with my best friend.We

were both angry and didn’t would like to give in to each other.Finally,I left that room without any word,but it makes me feel down.

B:I totally understand you.Don’t let it get to you,It’s normal to have quarrels with friends.I bet everything will be fine a few days later.

A:But her words deeply hurt me.,she said that we shouldn’t be friends friends from then on and I guess we wouldn’t make up.

B:Don’t think of too much.She didn’t mean any harm. A:I don’t know,but I can’t stop thinking of that.I’m sorry to take up your time ,Cathy,I must go now.

B:Tim,may be I should have a talk with Jane,she has had a quarrel with her friend and she looks upset.

C:Poor kid!she attaches great importance to friendship.It’s no wander that she would be upset.

A:Hey!Cathy and Tim,look!I got an A with my last term’s examination.

B:Good job!What an amazing grade! C:Congratulations to you,Jane.

A:Thank you,that’s out of my expectation and I’m really excited.

Conversation 5:

A:Hey,Kate.I’m really interested in Abraham Lincoln.So would you like to tell me something about him?

B:Well,Lincoln is the sixteenth present of the United States and president during the civil war.He is believing that the US stood for the freedom for all and ever made up his mind to work to end slavery for the rest of his life. A:So go on about the American civil war.

B:As we all know ,it was a large-scale war.It began in April 1861 and lasted for five years.A large numbers of soldiers were killed in the battles.One such battle was in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. In 1863, a ceremony was held to commemorate the dead on the Gettysburg battlefield. Lincoln made a famous speech that has become known as the Gettysburg address. A:There






unbelievable.And how about the size of the armies? B:Oh,I don’t know much about that.As a rough estimate,about a million of soldiers were killed during the war.

A:It’s so bad,but most wars were cruel, weren’t they?So what’s the consequence of the war?

B:Finally,Lincoln’s union army fought the southern confederate armies.As a result of that,a portion of population was freed from slavery.It’s declared that all men were created equal.

