
英语八年级上册综合、 动词填空及答案

2022-12-23 来源:汇意旅游网



Today it rained, so we 1._________(go)to a museum. It 2.______(be) kind of boring. I 3._______(find) a small boy 4.________(cry) in the corner. He 5.________(be) lost and I 6.________(help) him to find his father. That 7.________(make)me feel very happy. I 8._______(not have) any money for a taxi, so I 9.________(walk)back to the hotel. I 10.______(be)really tired.

1____________ 2_____________3___________4____________5_____________



Last year my dad got a new job in a small town, so my family moved there. On my 1.f________day at the new school I was really worried. The teachers 2.w_________friendly, but the problem was the other students. They didn’t 3.s________friendly. I knew 4.n_______and I could hardly understand what they said.

During the break all the other students 5.w_______out. I didn’t know 6.w_____ to go, so I 7.s_______in the classroom. After a while, a boy came back in and came up to me. I 8.w______what he wanted to do. He took 9.s_____out of his bag and said to me, 10.“W_____you like something to eat?” It was an apple. Suddenly I felt really happy and we began to talk.

It was Tony who gave me the apple and now he is my best friend. I am thankful to the apple, which started our friendship.


1____________ 2_____________3___________4____________5_____________


Unit 2


Mr. King is an old man. In the morning, he __1_____(get) up early. He usually exercises for a half an hour, and then he __2___(have) breakfast at 7:00 am. At 8:00, he often _3_____(play)chess with his friend, but sometimes he __ 4__(go) shopping. After lunch he always ___5______(sleep) for an hour. Then he goes to the park or the cinema. He only ____6____(go) to the movies, usually three or four times a week. He hardly ever ___7______(watch) TV. He only ____8_____(read) the newspaper in the evening. He never goes to bed after 10:00 p.m. He ___9_____(do) the same things every day. He __10_______(live) happily.

1____________ 2_____________3___________4____________5_____________



Everyone wants to have a healthy body. Do you have a h___1______lifestyle? I think I do. First , I have many good eating habits. I like j____2____food, but I h_____3____eat it. I eat fruit and vegetables every day. M__4_______they are not very delicious, but they are g_____5_____for health. Second, I do e____6_____ every day. It says that if people run every day, they will have more healthy hearts t______7___ others. So I run for about thirty minutes every morning. Third, I have good living


h_____8____. I try to s____9____eight hours every day. That h__10_______ me to be better and get good grades.

What do you think of my lifestyle? Can you learn something from it?

1____________ 2_____________3___________4____________5_____________


Unit 3


Should friends 1.____(be)different or the same? The following is what three of my classmates 2._____(say).

My name is Mary. I like 3.____(have) friends who are different from me. My best friend Betty is taller and more outgoing than me. I am quiet and like 4.____(read),but she is more athletic than me. She 5.____(like) sports and always beats me in ping-pong.

My name is Peter. I am very funny and outgoing.I like friends who 6. ____(have) the same interests as me. My best friend is Victor. He is much fatter than me. But we both 7. ____(like) doing the same things.

We 8.____(not think) differences are important between friends.

I’m Ted. I like to have friends who are like me. It’s necessary 9. ____(be)the same. All my


friends are smart and athletic. And they are as careful as me. I am thinner than most of them, but I 10.____(run) fastest among them.

1____________ 2_____________3___________4____________5_____________



I have a pen friend. Her name is Lucy. T____ we have never seen each other, I know much about her. We b____ like sports. We are good at playing tennis. We have the s_______ interest. We like collecting stamps.

We also have some differences. She is d______ from me. I’m o______ , she is a little shy. I like l_______, but lucy is more s_______ than me. My hair is black, her hair is brown. And my hair is l_____ than hers. Lucy cares about clothes m____.

Can you tell me some i______ about your pen friend?

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________





Do you enjoy 1._____(watch) TV shows? I think it is interesting 2._______(enjoy) some talent shows, such as The Voice of China(中国好声音) and The Super Star Is Just Me(我是大明星)。In China, most people 3.______(like) to watch the New Year’s eve Gala 2014,the singer Wang Zhengliang 4._____(sing) a song called Where Has the Time Gone(时间都去哪了)。This song made people 5.______(think) a lot.President Xi Jinping once 6.______(say) that it was a meaningful question and it’s necessary for most of us 7.______(think) about it. As teenagers, we should make a good plan and decide how 8.______(spend) our time in a meaningful way. We 9._______(not spend) much time 10.______(surf) the Internet. Be a good kid and help our parents.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________


Today there are many popular talent shows on TV from the TV stations all over China, such as China’s Got Talent(中国达人秀),Mamma Mia(妈妈咪呀),Walk of Fame(星光大道),and so on, All these shows have one aim in 11. c_______.The aim is to discover the most excellent 12. p_______, including the most talented dancers,the most amazing 13. m_______ like Liu Qian, the most 14. c_______ cross talk(相声) or comedy actors or actresses.15.A________from all walks with outstanding talents can take part in the shows.So they are the stages for all common people.When a performer in the talent show performs the most 16. b_______,he or she will be the 17.w_______. And the winner always gets a very good prize. he or she will become famous over night. But as a proverb(谚语)says,” No gains without pains.’’ An old saying goes,’’One minute’s wonderful performance on the


stage depends on ten years of hard practice off the stage.”Nobody will be able to succeed 18. c________. He or she has to take every practice very 19. s______, even though he or she is truly 20.t_______.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________

Unit 5


Today there are many popular talent shows on TV from the TVstation alll over China,such as China’s Got Talent, Mamma Mia,Walk of Fame ,and so on. All these shows have one aim in c______.The aim is to discover the most excellent p________,including the most talented dancers ,the most amazing m_________like LiuQian, the most c_________cross talk or comedy actors or actresses .A________from all walks with outstanding talents can take part in the shows.So they are the stages for all common people. When a performer in the talent show performs the most b______, he or she will be the w_________.And the winner always gets a very good prize, he or she will become famous over night.But as a proverb says,”No gains without pains.” An old saying goes, “Nobody will be able to succeed c____________.He or she has to take every practice very s__________,even though he or she is truly________.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________



Do you have a QQ number? Many people like to chat o_1___ using QQ. In fact, QQ has changed a large number of Chinese people's communication habits (交流习惯). Do you know who invented QQ? It was MaHuateng.

Ma Huateng was born in 1971 in Guangdong. When he was very small, he showed a great i___2_ in astronomy (天文学). However, he chose to major in (学习…专业) c___3__ science when he entered Shenzhen U___4__ in 1989. In his eyes, computer science was closer to everyday life compared to astronomy. He worked h_5__ and became the b_6__ student in his class.

Ma worked as a computer p____7__ in a company in Shenzhen for five years after he graduated in1993.His job was not bad and he could make a lot of money every month. However, Ma left the company and started his own in 1998. It was d_8___ at the beginning and he had to work hard every day. After he invented QQ, his business b_9__ better and better. It is said that now there are at l__10__ two hundred million people using QQ. It is a wonder that even he himself never predicted (预测).

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________

Unit 6


The Browns are my neighbors. Mr Brown's given name is John. But when we ____1___(talk) about


him, we call him \" Mr going -to-do\". Why is that? Because Mr Brown always_____2____( say) that he is going to do something, but he never really does it. Are you a “Mr Going-to-do”? Do you often make a resolution_____3___(do) something, but never put it into practice? It’s very important for humans ______4______(dream), but it’s more important to hold on to your dreams. Without____5___(work) hard, one will never be able to achieve a great dream. In the modern society, there are many young kids who have wonderful dreams. Some of them want to be computer programmers when they grow up. Others ____6___(be) famous reporters like Rui Chenggang on CCTV to interview many VIPs. But how can they make their dreams come true? In the real life, many young kids with beautiful dreams spend much time ____7____(play) computer games, or chatting on line instead of____8____(work) hard. As an old saying ____9__(go), “ A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.” Don’t just make resolutions. If you promise to do something helpful to improve yourself, you____10___(get) down to it at once. Or you will only be a dreamer forever.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________


Almost all the young kids have wonderful dreams. Some of them like computer science, and they are going to be computer p____1____, Some are going to be e___2__ to design the most advanced military weapons (最先进的军事武器) to protect our motherland. Some expect to become famous like the world-famous p___3____, Lang lang. Some young kids are good at science, and they plan to be scientists so that they will be a____4__ to invent some useful things to make people’s life better. But how can you achieve your d___5___? Everybody should get enough knowledge first. It’s teenagers’ duty to get necessary e____6___ at school and many young people expect to study at a


good u___7____ or college. It’s easier to say than to do. In order to achieve your dreams, you should make a r____8____ to work hard. In order to keep on working hard all the time, you should make a daily plan and a w___9__ plan or a monthly plan to help improve your studies, p___10___health or personal relationship. Remember, “ A young idler, an old beggar, Work hard today!”

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________



“In the future,schools will be up in the sky. The school buses ____1_(take ) you there. And the buses will be like spaceships” This passage __2____(come) from a science fiction. I _____3___(read ) it many years ago. I didn’t believe it then . But now I believe this prediction ______4___(come) true in the near future. Because scientists _____5______(make) science develop faster and faster now.

Predicting the future could be difficult. Nobody knows what___6____(happen) in the future.

Many common inventions like movies with sound , handheld computers, and even mobile phones seemed___7____(be ) impossible a hundred years ago, but now they are widely used. Today there are many exciting predictions. Some scientists predict that people___8__(have ) robots as servants at home in 50 years. And some military experts predict that there will be only one country in the world and there ____9___(not be ) wars(战争) in the world. I believe people all over the world expect __10_____(live ) in peace ,health and comfort.


1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________


Do you know what the world will be like in 100 years? There are some wonderful predictions about the f___1__.

Every family will have r____2__ as servants instead of humans. There will be roads both in the sky and the ground in 100 years and many people won’t travel by car and they ‘ll ride a flying bicycle instead. That won’t cause traffic jam, or air pollution.

In the future ,people won’t use p___3___ books, and they will use e-books on the computer. Surfing the I__4____ will be free. So there won’t be so many paper-making f_______5_ pouring polluted water, and they won’t p____6_____ so many rivers or lakes any more. Because people won’t cut trees to make paper anymore, the e_____7_______ will get more and more beautiful. There will be no cars ,and people all over the world will live in p____8____.

Do you b___9__ these predictions will come true? If you want to have a bright future, we should try our best to master science and technology and play an active p__10____in saving the earth.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________

Unit 8


一 动词填空。(共10小题,满分10分。)


“One apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This saying tells us the importance of eating fruit. ________(1) (live) a longer life, people need to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet _______ (2) (include) milk, fish, fruit and vegetables. In western countries, people often eat fruit salad. __________(3)(eat) fruit salad is good for our health. People ___________(4)(not need) to heat the fruits while making it, so it keeps fresh and it provides people with kinds of vitamins. Without vitamins, our body __________(5)(not run) well, then we’ll get ill. But do you know how __________(6)( make) fruit salad?

Now let me tell you the process of _______(7)(make) it.

First, we need ____________(8)(get) some fresh fruits ready, such as watermelons ,bananas, apples ,grapes and so on. __________(9)(wash) the fruits in the running water. Then peel them with a knife. Next, cut them up .And put the small pieces into a bowl. Third, pour some yogurt into the bowl, and ___________(10)(not forget) to add two spoons of honey. Now you see, it’s easy to make fruit salad.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________




For Chinese, the most important festival is the Spring Festival. People c________(1) it for the coming of spring. On the Spring Festival Eve, families will get together to have a big meal ,and they always eat the Chinese t__________(2) food ,dumplings. In Chinese, they are called Jiaozi. Of course, people s___________(3) jiaozi to the family with other delicious dishes. In fact, dumplings are very common food in China. But it’s not simple to make dumplings. Here is a recipe (食谱) to make mutton dumplings.

First, m__________(4) up some wheat flour and water, and make it into a piece of dough(面团)。 Then cut up the mutton and an onion, then put the mixture in a bowl. Next, a_______(5) some sauce, peanut oil ,and a spoon of relish. And don’t forget to add s_________(6). Then mix up the ingredients. Third, cut the dough into small pieces, and make them into very thin and round wrappers. Then ,put the mutton mixture onto a wrapper, and wrap it in different shapes. F__________(7), fill a pot with some water,. Heat the water until its t___________ (8) rises up to 100 degrees. Then you can boil the dumplings. C_______(9) the pot and boil the dumplings for 20 minutes then you can eat them. Dumplings are hard to make. But don’t worry. We can make it with a dumpling-making m_________(10)

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________

Unit 9


My mother’s birthday is coming. We___1___(hold) a birthday party for her. Now, my whole


family___2__(prepare) for the party. My husband is phoning___3___(order) a birthday cake, and he___4__(shop) for some fruits and snacks in a minute. Because there aren’t any fruits available. My son is__5___(help) me make a “long-life noodle”. It’s a symbol of living a long life. Last year, we asked my mother__6____(eat) a 5-meter-long noodle. And that made her__7__(laugh) over and over again.

Choosing a birthday gift is the most difficult and the most important. Last year we_8__(buy) a swing chair(秋千吊椅) for my parents. My mother __9____(not accept) it, because she thought she was too busy to relax on it, but my father enjoyed it very much. This year we decided to send my parents a noodle-making machine and a soybean milk machine. We are looking forward to___10___(see) them in very good health.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________


In western countries, having a party is very common. When there is an important e___1___, people will hold a party to c___2____ it. For example, when a family move to a new house, they’ll invite their friends and relatives to have a house-warming party. When there is an o____3___ of a library in a school, the school will have a party. In order to hold a successful party, the host have to do a lot of work to prepare for it. The work of p___4___ includes(包括) writing and sending i____5____, to invite the guests, preparing the food and drinks, and planning the games or other activities at the party. As a guest, if you r____6___ an invitation, you should r___7___ to the host in time. If you a___8____ the invitation, you should send an e-mail to or phone the host with “I’d love to.” If you


t____9___ down the invitation, you should reply with some reasons politely. As we all know, the host invites you sincerely and looks f___10____ to hearing from you.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________

Unit 10


“If I become a famous star, how happy I will be!”This is many young kids’ daydream. However, no matter how many “ifs” you have, you have only dreams. Only by working hard, you can make your dream (1)______ (come) true.

Nowadays, many young kids dream (2) ______ (be) a famous star. But (3) _____ (become) a star needs to go on a long and hard way, even if you are talented. You’ll have to be ready (4)_____ (deal) with each challenge on the way to success and you (5)______ (face) many kinds of unexpected difficulties, much competition and pressure. It’s true that if you (6)_____ (be) a star, you will be able (7)______ (make) a lot of money easily. Because many reporters and writers will write about you, you can make a living only by (8) ______ (tell) stories to magazines, newspapers or TV stations. So star seem (9)____ (live) a comfortable life. But the life of being a star won’t last long. If there is a new star, people (10)_______ (forget) the old ones.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________



In the modern society, many teachers and parents complain (抱怨) that it’s more and more difficult to educate teenagers. With the development of the economy (经济),our education is facing great challenges. Because (1) t________ have more and more problems. For example, many young kids are lost in playing computer games and lose interest in their schoolwork . Some young kids will make bad friends by chatting online. These problems make their teachers and parents very (2) u________ and angry.

As a parent, I advise that the teachers and parents shouldn’t be angry with your kids. You should ask experts for some (3)a______ . As we all know, it’s (4)n________ for young kids to have problems. As teenagers, you shouldn’t (5)k________ your problems to yourselves. (6) U______ you deal with the problems well, they’ll affect (影响)your health and school grades. Boys and girls, when you are in trouble, share the trouble with your teachers or parents. You just (7) t______ them, because they are (8)u________, and they have (9)e_______. They are sure to help you (10) s________ your problems.

1.___________ 2 .__________ 3.___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6.___________ 7.___________ 8. _________ 9.___________ 10. ___________


一.动词填空答案:1.went 2.was 3.found 4.crying 5.was 6.helped 7.made 8.didn’t have 9.walked 10.was



1.first 2.were 3.seem 4.nobody 5.went 6.where 7.stayed 8.wondered 9.something 10.Would


动词填空:1.gets 2.has 3.plays 4.goes 5.sleeps 6.goes7. Watches 8.reads 9.does 10.lives.

综合填空:1.healthy 2.junk 3.hardly 4.Maybe 5.good 6.exercise 7.than 8.habits 9 sleep 10.helps.

Unit 3

答案: 1.be 2. say , 3 to have 4 reading 5 likes 6 have 7 like 8. don’t like 9. to be 10. run

1. though 2. both 3.same 4 different 5 outgoing 6 laughing 7 serious 8 longer 9 more 10 information

unit 4

1 Watching 2. To enjoy 3. Like 4. Sang 5 think 6. Said 7. To think 8 to spend 9 shouldn’t spend 10 surfing

11 common 12 performers 13 magicians 14 creative 15Anybody 16 beautifully 17 winner 18 comfortably 19 seriously 20 talented

Unit 5


1.common 2.performers3.magicians 4.creative 5.Anybody 6.beautifully7.winner

8.comfortably 9.seriously 10.talented

1. online 2.interest 3.computer 4. University 5. hard

6.best 7.programmer8.difficult 9.became 10.least


1.Talk 2. Says 3. To do 4. To dream 5. Work 6. Are going to be 7. Playing 8. Working 9. Goes 10. Should get

1. Programmers 2. Engineers 3. Pianist 4. Able 5. Dreams 6. Education 7. University 8. Resolution 9. Weekly 10. physical

Unit 7


1.will take 2.comes 3.read 4.will come 5. Are making 6. Will happen 7.to be 8. Will have9.won’t be 10. To live


1. future 2. Robots 3. Paper 4. Internet 5. Factories 6. Pollute 7. Earth/ environment 8. Peace9.believe 10. part


Unit 8

一 动词填空

1 To live 2 includes 3 Eating 4don’t need 5 doesn’t run 6 to make 7 making 8 to get 9 Wash 10 don’t forget

二 综合填空。

1 celebrate 2 traditional 3 serve 4 mix 5 add 6 salt 7 Finally 8 temperature 9 Cover 10 machine

Unit 9

动词填空:1. Are going to hold/will hold 2. Are preparing 3. To order 4. Is going to shop/will shop 5. Helping 6. To eat 7. Laugh 8. Bought 9. Didn’t accept 10. Seeing

综合填空:event, celebrate , opening, preparation, invitations, receive, reply, accept, turn, forward



1. come 2. to be 3. becoming 4. to deal 5. will face 6. are 7. to make 8. telling 9. to live 10. will forget



1. teenagers 2. upset 3. advice 4. normal 5. keep 6. Unless 7. trust 8. understanding 9. experience 10. solve


