

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 02:15



热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 01:16

你分给这么多我就细心点说自己的QOP用法吧.英文不行 转是可以给你转 但是没多大意义 说自己的经验才是有帮助的.个人DOTA生涯3年 认为实力还是可以跟职业一比的 曾经中SOLO战胜过EHOME的两个大牌(我就不直接点名拉- -b).
QOP技能应该不用多说把 首先QOP要清楚自己在整个队伍中的定位 还要清楚对面阵容的打法 一般当你这里打的是4保1的时候 而对面也是同样4保1 那你肯定要把自己定位在半GANK半FARM的位置.如何半GANK半FARM呢?QOP用闪烁,这使得在少于两人来GANK你的情况下不会轻易挂掉 比赛时候肯定有眼 你稍微注意一下 对面有几个红点不在地图上 很容易能保证自己的生存(不过要注意LION LINA这样的高NUKE又有控制的英雄) 然后你就选择对面的优势路(天灾上 进位下)去FARM 对面的后期基本也是在这条路上FARM的 你不但可以用技能耗他血 也能自己收兵并且干扰他的FARM 如果自己这边在来几个控制英雄 对面稍不注意就掉人头了.记住 别和自己的后期抢钱.在这种情况下 你可以选择出红根或者直接裸羊 使得对面初期的压力会大很多.
假如自己这边打的是团战推塔为主的话 QOP应该选择40书羊刀等持续作战比较强的装备 跟着大部队走 让自己后期FARM 配合好象猛犸 潮汐 牛这种高爆发的控场 QOP能很轻易的收人头 记住要猥琐 别自己抢着跳上去乱丢技能 等你的控场和肉先上 没人会说你KS的.
如果对面有SA LUNA这类后期 我建议出红根 有SA要身上一直带粉 专找SA杀 这招打路人很管用的 现在SA虎 很大程度是因为路人GANK他的力度不够.

DOTA的密码是什么意思?TEST模式下的嘛?系统都有提示啊 要是WAR3自带的密码网上搜下都有 还是命令模式嘛?那我可以给你点
 开局后第15秒前必须输入游戏模式,否则“常规模式”被自动选择。
 第一个游戏玩家输入这些选择游戏模式的命令,你可以检查玩家列表来确定谁是第一个玩家,就是在最上面的那个。
 DOTA游戏模式命令在一句话中输入,可以连着输入例如“-dmaridsc”,也可以用空格分开输入“-dm –ar –id –sc”
 上面那些命令输入的顺序不重要。如果不是正确的组合,你可以有另外的机会再输入。
 -wtf模式和-test模式必须分开输入,不能和其他命令同一句话。
 如果你要输入的比较多,动作比较慢,建议先暂停,免得过了时间,被众人唾骂。
DOTA娱乐模式: -wtf 当技能被使用后,重设冷却时间,重设能量值为满。所以所有英雄和物品的技能都是0冷却时间和消耗0能量。有些触发的技能看起来没有冷却时间,但并不真的有那种效果,直到它正常的冷却时间过去。(一个例子是回光返照)
DOTA测试模式: -test 只用于多人游戏中,使用之后每个玩家可以使用单机模式时的命令(见后),这样可以让很多测试变得更简单。
 下面的主要游戏模式每局只能选择一个
 有些主要模式和二级游戏模式不能共存,都列出来了
 常规模式:如果什么都不输入,15秒后自动默认常规模式。玩家只能选择自己方酒馆的英雄
 全选模式:-ap/-allpick 玩家可以选择所有酒馆的英雄
 全体随机模式:-ar/-allrandom 玩家从所有酒馆的范围里自动随机得到一个英雄。和反转模式不兼容。
 团队随机模式: -tr/-teamrandom 玩家从自己方酒馆里随机得到一个英雄。和反转模式、死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
 DOTA模式随机: -mr/-moderandom 随机从全体随机模式,全选模式,团队随机模式和常规模式中选择一个模式。和反转模式、死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
 联赛模式: -lm/-leaguemode 需要10个玩家,团队交替选英雄,按(1-2-2-2-2-1)的顺序,第一玩家的团队是随机的。每个玩家有20分钟选择一个英雄,否则随机产生一个英雄。只能够选择自己方酒馆里的英雄。除了以下二级模式外其他不兼容,例外:洗牌模式,交换禁止模式,禁止重选模式,雪地地形模式。
 DOTA随机征召模式: -rd/-randomdraft 22个随机英雄从所有酒馆里选出来,并且放入2个酒馆里(近卫与天灾各有2个)。剩下的英雄和酒馆都移除了。然后玩家按照联赛模式选择这些英雄。与镜像竞赛模式,死亡竞赛模式,全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式不兼容。
 DOTA随机阵容选举模式: –vr/-voterandom 3种随机的竞赛模式将被选择,每个玩家都可以投票。需要两边玩家数相同才能使用此模式。与镜像模式,死亡竞赛模式,全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式不兼容。
当随机阵容选举模式选择后,30秒内各个玩家可以投票,如果不投,将自动随机投,如果投票是平局,将随机选择一个选项。各个玩家只能投一票。输入 -option 1 或者 -option 2 或者-option 3来投票。
DOTA 扩展联赛模式: -xl/-extendedleague 需要10个玩家。在前20秒内,2方的团队领导(蓝色和粉红色玩家)可以在所有英雄里移除3个英雄。然后玩家像联赛模式那样选英雄。除了以下二级模式外其他不兼容,例外:洗牌模式,交换禁止模式,禁止重选模式,雪地地形模式。
有限阵容选举模式(其实我还是喜欢叫单选方案模式):-singledraft or -sd (swiss) 系统随机给出力量、敏捷、智力三种类型英雄各一个, 你必须输入 -pick 1/2/3以从中挑选一个,就目前来说这个模式国外很流行,与其他主要模式不兼容

 死亡竞赛: -dm/-deathmatch 如果你的英雄死了,你会在复活时间到的时候重新选一个英雄。如果主游戏模式是随机,那么你将随机得到那个英雄。如果一个团队有44次死亡,或者基地被拆,团队就输了。与全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式,镜像竞赛模式不兼容。
 取消死亡计时器 –nd 当英雄死亡后不需要复活时间立即可以选下一个英雄。
 最大生命数量 –lives # 设置每边有多少生命,用想要的数目代替前面的#,最小10,最大44。
 反转模式: -rv/-reverse 近卫方玩家为天灾团队选择英雄,天灾为近卫团队选择英雄。需要两边玩家数量相同。和死亡竞赛模式,相同英雄模式不兼容。
 镜像模式: -mm/-mirrormatch 需要两边玩家数相同。1分钟后,每对玩家(例如1号玩家和6号玩家是一对)的英雄将被他们中某一个英雄代替,所以使用同样的英雄,而团队的阵容将会一样。和相同英雄,死亡竞赛不兼容。
 复选模式: -/-plicatemode 玩家选了某一个英雄后,该英雄不被从酒馆移除,其他玩家还可以选。
 洗牌模式: -sp/-shuffleplayers 团队将被随机洗牌,包括颜色、团队归属、团队人数都可能变更。对拆黑店很有效
 相同英雄模式: -sh/-samehero 所有玩家的英雄将都是第一个玩家选择的英雄。和镜像模式,反转模式,死亡竞赛不兼容。
 全敏捷英雄模式: -aa/-allagility 只能选择敏捷型英雄。和全智力模式,全力量模式,死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
 全智力英雄模式: -ai/-allintelligence 只能选择智力型英雄。和全敏捷模式,全力量模式,死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
 全力量英雄模式: -as/-allstrength 只能选择力量型英雄。和全智力模式,全敏捷模式,死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
 物品掉落模式: -id/-itemdrop 当你英雄死掉的时候,你物品栏里随机一个物品位的东西将会掉落在地。作为补偿,你不会因死亡丢失金钱。

 简单模式: -em/-easymode 塔将变弱,经验值将增长更快,你每段时间固定得的钱也更多。
 禁止神符模式: -np/-nopowerups 河道内不产生神符
 超级士兵模式: -sc/-supercreeps 某些时候每方会各产生超级士兵跟随小兵进攻。最弱的是攻城傀儡,强一点的是恐怖怪鱼,最强的是远古九头蛇。
 中路模式: -om/-onlymid 上下两路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。等于-ntnb。
 上路禁兵模式: -nt/-notop 上(左)路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。
 中路禁兵模式: -nm/-nomid 中路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。
 下路禁兵模式: -nb/-nobot 下(右)路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。
 交换禁止模式 –ns/-noswap 不能使用交换-swap命令。
 禁止重选模式 –nr/-norepick 不能使用重选-repick命令。
 雪地地形模式 –ts/-terrainsnow 将转化当前地形为雪地地形。目前还处于实验阶段。

显示阵容:-ma/-matchup 显示对方控制的英雄以及等级,也显示离线玩家的离线时间。
显示移动速度:-ms/-movespeed 显示你英雄的当前移动速度。
显示杀敌数目: -cs/-creepstats 显示你杀掉的敌人数目和反补数目
显示杀敌分数版: -cson 在默认的面板处显示杀敌数目
隐藏杀敌分数版: -csoff在默认的面板处隐藏杀敌数目
禁止恶意帮助技能: -disablehelp 使队友Chen圣骑的忠诚考验不能传送你,队友Furion先知的发芽不能用在你身上,队友Harbinger毁灭不能禁锢你。
解开禁止恶意帮助技能: -enablehelp 取消-disablehelp
跳出被地形卡住命令: -unstuck 60秒后传送你的英雄回基地 (6.51暂时禁止该命令)
重获控制命令: -recreate 对付N'aix食尸鬼,Terrorblade灵魂守卫,Dragon Knight龙骑士和Banehallow痛苦之源的某些丢失控制权的问题。200秒时间。
显示英雄死亡信息命令: -showmsg 默认已经打开,当一个英雄死的时候显示信息。
隐藏英雄死亡信息命令: -hidemsg 当一个英雄死的时候没有文字显示。
显示反补叹号: -showdeny 当反补时有该玩家叹号在被反补对象上出现。
隐藏反补叹号: -hidedeny 默认已经打开,关掉-showdeny。
天气命令: -weather rain/snow/moonlight/wind/random/off 各种天气状况的命令
反补叹号和杀敌数命令: -di 相当于输入-showdeny和-cson
显示死亡计时器面板: -don/-deathon 默认已经打开,当英雄死亡显示死亡计时器面板
隐藏死亡计时器面板: -doff/-deathoff 不显示死亡计时器面板
产生随机数命令: -roll # 其中#是一个最小0最大2000的整数,产生一个从0(包含)到#间的随机整数
隐藏英雄名字命令: -hhn/-hideheronames 当某玩家聊天时,隐藏该玩家英雄的类型名称
禁止连续杀英雄时的配音: -mute 不发出double kill之类的声音
随机选择英雄: -random 随机选择一个英雄,不消耗金钱。
重新选择英雄: -repick 花费一定钱,让你放弃已选择的英雄而重新选。只能使用一次,一般消耗150金钱,但在-ar和-tr中消耗400。如果是随机英雄模式,新英雄也是随机的。在禁止重选模式下,不能使用这个命令。
显示当前游戏模式信息: -gameinfo 显示当前使用的游戏模式及其详细信息
交换英雄命令: -swap/-swaphero 显示一个英雄列表,根据提示你可以知道你想交换的英雄的序号。
-swap 1/2/3/4/5 向你想交换的英雄序号玩家提交交换请求。如果他也向你提交请求,交换成功。交换命令可以多次使用,但是只能在开局后90秒前使用。在禁止交换模式下,不能使用这个命令。
检查屠夫堆积力量数: -fs/-fleshstr 只用于屠夫玩家,显示已经有多少力量属性通过它的被动技能获得。
DOTA反作弊命令 :-ah、-antihack
-mode2推荐模式,适用于大多场合 (6.50与6.51中的原理不一样)
清除显示信息命令:-clear 清除屏幕左边显示的信息
查看apm命令: -apm 查看玩家当前的手速,即每分钟的平均操作次数
看各人的afk(away from keyboard)多长时间没有对自己的单位进行任何操作
剔除挂机者:-kickafk # 当有玩家AFK达到额定值时,任一玩家输入该命令都可以将其提出游戏

等级上升: -lvlup 自己的英雄等级上升一级
刷新英雄状态: -refresh 刷新你英雄技能和物品的冷却时间,并且恢复生命和魔法。
出兵命令: -spawncreeps 两方出兵,不干扰正常的出兵
产生神符命令: -powerup 刷新神符,不干扰正常的神符产生。注意如果已经有一个或者少于5秒前有一个就不会产生新的。
刷新中立野怪命令: -neutrals 刷新中立野怪。注意如果某营地附近有能阻止刷新的单位就不会刷新。
自杀命令: -kill 让你的英雄马上死亡
加钱命令: -gold # 增加#金钱

热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 02:34

阿咔莎 (Akasha)
痛苦女王 (Queen of Pain)




1. 技能分析及介绍

暗影突袭 [D]
Shadow Strike

第1级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成50点的初始伤害,10点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速度。
第2级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成70点的初始伤害,20点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速度。
第3级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成70点的初始伤害,40点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速度。
第4级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成100点的初始伤害,50点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速。


闪烁 [B]

第1级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。12秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1000。
第2级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。9秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1075。
第3级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。7秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1150。
第4级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。5秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1150。


痛苦尖叫 [F]
Scream of Pain

第1级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对400范围内的敌方单位造成85点的伤害。
第2级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对450范围内的敌方单位造成165点的伤害。
第3级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对475范围内的敌方单位造成225点的伤害。
第4级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对500范围内的敌方单位造成300点的伤害。


超声冲击波 [F]
Sonic Wave

第1级 - 放出一道强大的声波,对一条直线上的敌方单位造成290点(340点)的伤害。
第2级 - 放出一道强大的声波,对一条直线上的敌方单位造成430点(530点)伤害。
第3级 - 放出一道强大的声波,对一条直线上的敌方单位造成600点(725点)的伤害。

范围大,伤害高,唯一尴尬的是我经常丢空,也时常看到别人丢空,就是位置太近了,出手角度又错了,波一出来是好象范围是和图形一样慢慢变大的,所以站的近的 歪一点反而没吃到-___-。在这里丢人了,还好不是经常,要不也没脸继续写了。


2. 英雄定位

QOP是我玩dota以来使用次数最多的英雄。我对他的定位就是ganker.高伤害的技能,blink,减速。而如果能让他迅速在场上发挥威力的话,那么他需要的就是高等级,所以这就是现在普遍qop solo一路的原因了。在别人还是7 8级的时候,你已经11级了,什么都不用想,一个f加一个2级的大招w,打到人了,那个人肯定就是个死字,不过当然不是说叫你只放这2个技能-___-。而是一般情况下,帮助队友gank,团p这种由于技能太过耗魔,所以不可能让你在场上飞来飞去,毒来毒去,叫来叫去,能够丢一个比较完美的w,对面的人血就是掉很大一截,那瞬间估计他们第一想法就是跑了,此时和队友追上去,你只需要把那些被队友用技能留住了的人,叫一叫,毒一毒,人头就都来了。由于mana的*,除非是solo 时补刀特别顺,要不此时装备不会特别好,不要太刻意的去单杀,随便找个队友2打1,简单又保险。


3. 主要路线

qop的技能路线很单一,一般是213 然后23互点有大升大,暂时没看到过别的升法,有貌似也没有这种好。







我先来说说为什么我极力喜欢先出吹风。可能会扯的比较远,在一场游戏里,作为一个技能强劲的英雄可以起到3个作用:1 给敌人造成压力;2 缓解我方压力 ; 3 很牛b。 有点废话-_-,但实际不是。什么叫给敌人造成压力,因为你技能叼,别人会有顾及,就算你不在他旁边,他也怕你突然tp了,如果你不在地图上,他可能更害怕你吃了什么神符,而导致行动受到捆饶。比如想去farm不敢去,想杀人不敢杀,想过河补刀估计也不敢了。做到了这一点,也就同时缓解了自己这边的压力。但如果你20分钟内都没有参与任何战斗,只是一直farm啊farm,就连塔下强杀你也不过去帮忙,敌人很明显的知道你就一farmer,行动起来没有任何顾忌,而你的队友也因为战斗时缺少一个技能强劲的帮手而疲软。 这是个+1 -1的问题,做到一点,得2分,没做到失2分。所以我的观点是不管在任何情况下 qop都不应该做一个全职farmer,就算战术是4保1,你也应该是4中的一个,而不是那个1。在实力比较高的游戏里,一直拿f刷兵线,把兵迅速推到对面去了,而又没能力推塔的话,就代表那条路被敌人控制了,兵线估计就回不来了。不仅自己不好打钱,队友也没地方混经验,而如果只控线补刀,那么qop就成了个只有普通攻击的英雄,那我还不如上个死灵龙,也是普通攻击还可以放小龙当眼。


那么为什么出吹风呢? 因为吹风是一个控场的物品,在3以前的各代地图里,cd很短,只要舍得一次团p用个4,5次是很容易第 ,设想一次团p你的出风用出了4,5次,这次会输吗?会让敌人跑掉一半吗?就算不舍得用的这么奢侈,在外面打野战时吹风的重要性我想我也不用多说。其次可以迅速转变羊,仍然是控场的,不过我认为在敌人有比较强硬的英雄时 变羊不如吹风,但有总比没好,特别如果是你这边人比较牛b时,变羊就非常好了。原因不再多说了,说打法。

6吃树 然后其他买57的树枝就为了加点攻击好补刀,中路 上路 下路,都可以solo,最好是solo,因为这个打法就是要等级。补刀,尽自己全力去补吧,可能玩的不错的人会觉的她出手动作太慢了,但玩多了就好了,600射程压人也是挺好的。如果你是进位走上路,那么请靠近路的左边,而如果是走下路则靠近右边。为什么呢?因为原理森林出入口,有敌人来gank有时间做出反映,如果是帖着树站,估计你还没看到敌人就吃了技能了没死也重伤,严重影响发育;第2,视野宽广,特别是进位走天灾上路,很多天灾的人喜欢帖着树林补因为你看不到他,站左边靠上点,不一定非要你a他,但你肯定看的见他,情形好就打2下。

ps:1我一直是 吹风,假腿,复活盾,羊,mkb这样的打法。偶尔会换成净化刀分身斧头,也经常暗灭刀。




我自己是没这么打过,但看过不少人这样出,单杀能力很强劲,速度也快,在毒的时间里抽魔吸魔实在是够sm。如果顺利可以拿到很多人头,又可以撑血,唯一的缺点估计是仍然没有打断的技能。具体打法靠想象的也想出来了。平时杀人招书 毒人 f f w什么的,团p时书一招找个什么sk啊这种魔少技能强的吸一下,或者血少魔多的如宙斯吸一下然后盯着打吧...后期在慢慢出别的装备。



这种打的也很多,不带鞋或带鞋的都有,2300 1200 2300然后冰眼,这种打法我感觉是很强劲的,但关键在于这个冰眼什么时候可以裸出来。如果是20分钟左右出了,那么肯定牛b,如果30分钟才出,则很一般了别人也有不错的装备了,30分钟还没出,就只能说没打好。





杀人过程很简单,飞过来毒f w 电。血少的就直接一套丢干净,多点的就多打几下普通攻击。团p时大招丢到人多的地方然后直接奔血最少的人去,一般这种人都是技能强的智力型英雄首当其冲要秒杀掉。


物品方面的区别主要是前期,到了后期打着打着还是要换成dps加半肉装 是最经常的了





这是在前段时间进位召唤push流时 qop曾经比较流行过的一种打法,首先迅速farm出镇魂就一定的抵抗能力,然后a仗。有了不错的抗push能力。在一般ih 路人里面,这样出的目的就是一个,团p n杀。*其实和上面一样,唯一的区别就是大招的释放是必须小心的,不能象上个路线那样可以为了单一秒人也放,这里要放就起码能中3个人。


4. 主要打法介绍

qop最尴尬的就是没打断,很难做到一口气秒1000血左右的人,而这些人在血充足时而又打不过你时可以很从容的直接tp,而这个时候一个吹风就是他们的噩梦,而其他物品比如冰眼和死灵书都达不到这个效果,加上吹风在团p时不管是开始时吹人,还是追杀时留人,逃跑时救人 都是有非常大的作用,所以我还是比较喜欢出吹风,这样对于团队的辅助能力实在是很大。

回家泡泉水时,直接看3路有没有那种600-800血左右的人,如果有而且那条路还有一个你的队友 不用由于tp过去直接强杀。下手快,准,狠,如果是塔下强杀一定要秒,不秒掉的话等个tp救援或者有人从森林出来支援那么尴尬的很可能就是你自己了。


1. solo sil,这种比较多,攻击比他低,他还有法球,碰到会打的,qop是非常难受的,站的远也没用,别人就站在进程兵交战处,不用法球补就用普通攻击打,你靠近的稍微过了点就是一个w,碰到升什么静默诅咒的,那可好,更难受了。解决办法,叫队友来杀,有神符就吃,吃了就来搞,杀不死也打残了你可以敢和他拼,碰到补刀很差的,就不用这样了直接和他拼补刀吧。

2. 宙斯,wl这种。没别的,他们就是磨你血,磨得你不敢上来补刀,宙斯主升23的话,G一下那血掉的和剪纸一样,喀嚓就是一大截。解决办法,还是叫队友过来搞,反正只要你在这条线上混的难受到憋屈,那就赶紧叫人来帮忙,要不你就相当于养了别人废了自己,这又是+1 -1的丢2分。

3. 对抗stun型 这个最简单了,保持距离拼补刀,狂压他,这个距离大概在600左右刚好,看见锤子飞出来的一瞬间blink,又不费血又耗他魔和cd,他技能丢了, 你就上去和他搞,等他cd快好了,就退回来点,他肯定难受死了。比较难的vs,出手动作小,弹道快,但还是可以躲。唯一不能躲的估计就只有蓝胖子的昏了。不过一般会stun的肯定不是一个人和你solo,2个人一起的话,你等级肯定有优势所以不要过度顾忌对面是2个人,他们技能等级都低不一定能把你怎么样,他们还要怕你的高等级f呢。

4. 对抗viper 又是个拼对点和补刀的。你比较吃亏,要看站位了,这个比sil来说估计是更难受了,解决办法相同。

5. 影魔 tinker solo。 技能型的,要压他们都得靠1级的时候就要凶狠,死a他们 同时不要被兵打,tinker丢个激光根本不叼他,最好能在3级前把他压到半血以下,sf的话就自己猥琐点,补刀要凶狠,不能让他补太多了,主要位置不要吃的zxc炮还是可以做到的。他拿技能去换小兵攻击,那是拦不住的,但他也不能把你怎么样,他攻击高了话,就是补刀要吃点亏,那是没办法的事,只要水品差不多,英雄技能的差距在不同时期的优势还是很明显的。


迅速升到7级。5级时利用小鸡(如果有)看情况买虚无或者875加tp ,应该补的到,5级时有3级f,碰上对面有人过塔强杀你队友的赶紧过去帮忙,如果没有这个tp等下7级也是有用的。到7级了,尽量保持满魔,看钱如果有1200了买个球,没有就看线上有没有敌人靠近你这边的tp过去配合队友拿下,一般问题不大。回家鞋子.450.吃树,tp。继续提高等级,大招好了就看线,别人位置离自己塔远的就tp过去杀。到11级时吹风应该是出了,如果事先买了875的现在可以考虑出个先锋,如果压力不大可以留着出lineken。

11级算是黄金时期了,由于对面都处在7-9级的阶段,憋大件的可能打了2000左右,其他人可能都是小件套装,非肉的英雄血估计900-1000左右,是很容易杀的。主要就是tp blink f 毒 大这一套。这个主要就是blink和大的使用了,有些情况是能怎么快秒掉就怎么杀,有些情况则不用那么快去强调秒他。闪烁,切记要看清楚敌人的情况在飞,要不直接飞到2-3个人中吃几套技能刚想走又来一个人把你秒了的事情,实在是发生了太多了。别人身上有tp,或者有控制技能的人来救,如果不想继续打成团p的话,可以直接放大把人秒了闪,我比较认同这个,反正你的目的是杀他,虽然可能打成小团p对你们来说更划算,但总有时候会有些意外,队友之间配合不是很默契的话就赶紧把目标秒了大家farm吧。







接着就一直这样打,装备就是转变羊,压力不打就打dps直接mkb啊什么的,势均力敌就慢慢攒冰眼做到自己能抗的住可以分担伤害。顺利的想出什么就出什么 净化刀,辉耀,分身斧什么的。其实一盘打个40 . 50 分钟 胜负基本比较明显了,当然也有不分上下的,这时出什么装备还是要注意点,而那种明显已经赢了,随便出什么都无所谓了。



5. 小技巧


远程兵打一下,进程的不到半血一个f 就是一波。

野怪打巨魔组合,狼家庭,狗家庭都很快,刷人马和狗熊用技能显的比较疲软,他们血太后了, 留给有点金的队友吧,把魔留着给敌人,刷兵也比那赚。



还有以前双头龙solo qop 假装要喷然后按s,也经常可以骗掉qop的飞。对于锤子来说,如果距离比较远的话,那么是可以等到看见锤子再飞的。


打anti mage:

很多人都说am克qop,但我从来不这样觉的,初期qop强劲的技能,中期有吹风,后期有变羊,怎么看就算是杀不了他也不大会被他杀。比较危险的情况就是自己100,200左右的魔他突然飞出来砍你,这个时候尽量饶树林一下下,肯定会把和他的距离拖卡那么一些,他就一直砍不到你得硬追,这时最重要的就是,等他先飞你再飞,如果你先急着飞了,他飞到你身边来砍你几下,blink的cd足够让他几刀把你剩下不多的魔砍光,接着等你的就是他在耗点你的血就一个大,但如果他先飞,而你时刻注意他的行动,达到同时飞,则大家都是在不停的跑,如果你能飞个2,3次我想你应该到家了, 或者队友该救过来了。初期很容易秒杀他,毕竟大多am都仗着自己有飞而初期半血在那不停的补,可能会有些am因为有375or875 红血都敢一直不回,要秒很容易,只看他自己注意不注意到你消失在其他路线而猥琐了。


我一般6吃树4树枝出门,好象攻击才50左右,说实话实在是很低,带低不代表不能补,毕竟你对于生命的担忧还是不大,加上600的射程,有时候对面的人攻击比你高,但你可以站近点补,减少弹道距离来减少补刀难度,而换来的可能是被a1,2下但只要不被秒, 有什么好怕的呢。


在打一些会范围stun的人的时候最好小心飞,如果非要飞到他旁边去,毒了f后,最好往自己的背向方向移动,因为那些人一般会吵你面向的移动方向算个小提前量来使用stun,例如lina ts这种,如果他们不是接第2手的话,还是很容易猜出他们的心思来躲技能的。

热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 04:09

chinese吧 女王 定位 gank
单中 主升痛苦尖叫 毒1级 闪烁一级 有大加大 这就是女王前期加点 智力打的就是个前期嘛 装备魔瓶 游走杀人必备 鞋子 树枝称属性 前期出几个智力挂件也行 装备你可以出大根 冰眼 我喜欢出坚韧球转血晶石 你也可以魔力法杖转大根 冰眼,羊刀前期都可以出 紫苑我不太喜欢 加蓝太少了 女王需要强大的魔力来支持技能 用尖叫刷钱很不错 2个群法尤其强大 飞鞋 神杖有钱就出吧 飞鞋打钱抓人都不错 神杖加大的效果 我也就能给你解释这么多了 多玩玩就好了 dota指令吧?
? 开局后第15秒前必须输入游戏模式,否则“常规模式”被自动选择。
? 第一个游戏玩家输入这些选择游戏模式的命令,你可以检查玩家列表来确定谁是第一个玩家,就是在最上面的那个。
? DOTA游戏模式命令在一句话中输入,可以连着输入例如“-dmaridsc”,也可以用空格分开输入“-dm –ar –id –sc”
? 上面那些命令输入的顺序不重要。如果不是正确的组合,你可以有另外的机会再输入。
? -wtf模式和-test模式必须分开输入,不能和其他命令同一句话。
? 如果你要输入的比较多,动作比较慢,建议先暂停,免得过了时间,被众人唾骂。
DOTA娱乐模式: -wtf 当技能被使用后,重设冷却时间,重设能量值为满。所以所有英雄和物品的技能都是0冷却时间和消耗0能量。有些触发的技能看起来没有冷却时间,但并不真的有那种效果,直到它正常的冷却时间过去。(一个例子是回光返照)
DOTA测试模式: -test 只用于多人游戏中,使用之后每个玩家可以使用单机模式时的命令(见后),这样可以让很多测试变得更简单。
? 下面的主要游戏模式每局只能选择一个
? 有些主要模式和二级游戏模式不能共存,都列出来了
? 常规模式:如果什么都不输入,15秒后自动默认常规模式。玩家只能选择自己方酒馆的英雄
? 全选模式:-ap/-allpick 玩家可以选择所有酒馆的英雄
? 全体随机模式:-ar/-allrandom 玩家从所有酒馆的范围里自动随机得到一个英雄。和反转模式不兼容。
? 团队随机模式: -tr/-teamrandom 玩家从自己方酒馆里随机得到一个英雄。和反转模式、死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
? DOTA模式随机: -mr/-moderandom 随机从全体随机模式,全选模式,团队随机模式和常规模式中选择一个模式。和反转模式、死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
? 联赛模式: -lm/-leaguemode 需要10个玩家,团队交替选英雄,按(1-2-2-2-2-1)的顺序,第一玩家的团队是随机的。每个玩家有20分钟选择一个英雄,否则随机产生一个英雄。只能够选择自己方酒馆里的英雄。除了以下二级模式外其他不兼容,例外:洗牌模式,交换禁止模式,禁止重选模式,雪地地形模式。
? DOTA随机征召模式: -rd/-randomdraft 22个随机英雄从所有酒馆里选出来,并且放入2个酒馆里(近卫与天灾各有2个)。剩下的英雄和酒馆都移除了。然后玩家按照联赛模式选择这些英雄。与镜像竞赛模式,死亡竞赛模式,全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式不兼容。
? DOTA随机阵容选举模式: –vr/-voterandom 3种随机的竞赛模式将被选择,每个玩家都可以投票。需要两边玩家数相同才能使用此模式。与镜像模式,死亡竞赛模式,全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式不兼容。
当随机阵容选举模式选择后,30秒内各个玩家可以投票,如果不投,将自动随机投,如果投票是平局,将随机选择一个选项。各个玩家只能投一票。输入 -option 1 或者 -option 2 或者-option 3来投票。
?DOTA 扩展联赛模式: -xl/-extendedleague 需要10个玩家。在前20秒内,2方的团队领导(蓝色和粉红色玩家)可以在所有英雄里移除3个英雄。然后玩家像联赛模式那样选英雄。除了以下二级模式外其他不兼容,例外:洗牌模式,交换禁止模式,禁止重选模式,雪地地形模式。
有限阵容选举模式(其实我还是喜欢叫单选方案模式):-singledraft or -sd (swiss) 系统随机给出力量、敏捷、智力三种类型英雄各一个, 你必须输入 -pick 1/2/3以从中挑选一个,就目前来说这个模式国外很流行,与其他主要模式不兼容

? 死亡竞赛: -dm/-deathmatch 如果你的英雄死了,你会在复活时间到的时候重新选一个英雄。如果主游戏模式是随机,那么你将随机得到那个英雄。如果一个团队有44次死亡,或者基地被拆,团队就输了。与全敏捷英雄模式,全智力英雄模式,全力量英雄模式,相同英雄模式,反转模式,镜像竞赛模式不兼容。
? 取消死亡计时器 –nd 当英雄死亡后不需要复活时间立即可以选下一个英雄。
? 最大生命数量 –lives # 设置每边有多少生命,用想要的数目代替前面的#,最小10,最大44。
? 反转模式: -rv/-reverse 近卫方玩家为天灾团队选择英雄,天灾为近卫团队选择英雄。需要两边玩家数量相同。和死亡竞赛模式,相同英雄模式不兼容。
? 镜像模式: -mm/-mirrormatch 需要两边玩家数相同。1分钟后,每对玩家(例如1号玩家和6号玩家是一对)的英雄将被他们中某一个英雄代替,所以使用同样的英雄,而团队的阵容将会一样。和相同英雄,死亡竞赛不兼容。
? 复选模式: -/-plicatemode 玩家选了某一个英雄后,该英雄不被从酒馆移除,其他玩家还可以选。
? 洗牌模式: -sp/-shuffleplayers 团队将被随机洗牌,包括颜色、团队归属、团队人数都可能变更。对拆黑店很有效
? 相同英雄模式: -sh/-samehero 所有玩家的英雄将都是第一个玩家选择的英雄。和镜像模式,反转模式,死亡竞赛不兼容。
? 全敏捷英雄模式: -aa/-allagility 只能选择敏捷型英雄。和全智力模式,全力量模式,死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
? 全智力英雄模式: -ai/-allintelligence 只能选择智力型英雄。和全敏捷模式,全力量模式,死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
? 全力量英雄模式: -as/-allstrength 只能选择力量型英雄。和全智力模式,全敏捷模式,死亡竞赛模式不兼容。
? 物品掉落模式: -id/-itemdrop 当你英雄死掉的时候,你物品栏里随机一个物品位的东西将会掉落在地。作为补偿,你不会因死亡丢失金钱。

? 简单模式: -em/-easymode 塔将变弱,经验值将增长更快,你每段时间固定得的钱也更多。
? 禁止神符模式: -np/-nopowerups 河道内不产生神符
? 超级士兵模式: -sc/-supercreeps 某些时候每方会各产生超级士兵跟随小兵进攻。最弱的是攻城傀儡,强一点的是恐怖怪鱼,最强的是远古九头蛇。
? 中路模式: -om/-onlymid 上下两路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。等于-ntnb。
? 上路禁兵模式: -nt/-notop 上(左)路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。
? 中路禁兵模式: -nm/-nomid 中路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。
? 下路禁兵模式: -nb/-nobot 下(右)路既不出兵,塔也无敌状态。
? 交换禁止模式 –ns/-noswap 不能使用交换-swap命令。
? 禁止重选模式 –nr/-norepick 不能使用重选-repick命令。
? 雪地地形模式 –ts/-terrainsnow 将转化当前地形为雪地地形。目前还处于实验阶段。

显示阵容:-ma/-matchup 显示对方控制的英雄以及等级,也显示离线玩家的离线时间。
显示移动速度:-ms/-movespeed 显示你英雄的当前移动速度。
显示杀敌数目: -cs/-creepstats 显示你杀掉的敌人数目和反补数目
显示杀敌分数版: -cson 在默认的面板处显示杀敌数目
隐藏杀敌分数版: -csoff在默认的面板处隐藏杀敌数目
禁止恶意帮助技能: -disablehelp 使队友Chen圣骑的忠诚考验不能传送你,队友Furion先知的发芽不能用在你身上,队友Harbinger毁灭不能禁锢你。
解开禁止恶意帮助技能: -enablehelp 取消-disablehelp
跳出被地形卡住命令: -unstuck 60秒后传送你的英雄回基地 (6.51暂时禁止该命令)
重获控制命令: -recreate 对付N'aix食尸鬼,Terrorblade灵魂守卫,Dragon Knight龙骑士和Banehallow痛苦之源的某些丢失控制权的问题。200秒时间。
显示英雄死亡信息命令: -showmsg 默认已经打开,当一个英雄死的时候显示信息。
隐藏英雄死亡信息命令: -hidemsg 当一个英雄死的时候没有文字显示。
显示反补叹号: -showdeny 当反补时有该玩家叹号在被反补对象上出现。
隐藏反补叹号: -hidedeny 默认已经打开,关掉-showdeny。
天气命令: -weather rain/snow/moonlight/wind/random/off 各种天气状况的命令
反补叹号和杀敌数命令: -di 相当于输入-showdeny和-cson
显示死亡计时器面板: -don/-deathon 默认已经打开,当英雄死亡显示死亡计时器面板
隐藏死亡计时器面板: -doff/-deathoff 不显示死亡计时器面板
产生随机数命令: -roll # 其中#是一个最小0最大2000的整数,产生一个从0(包含)到#间的随机整数
隐藏英雄名字命令: -hhn/-hideheronames 当某玩家聊天时,隐藏该玩家英雄的类型名称
禁止连续杀英雄时的配音: -mute 不发出double kill之类的声音
随机选择英雄: -random 随机选择一个英雄,不消耗金钱。
重新选择英雄: -repick 花费一定钱,让你放弃已选择的英雄而重新选。只能使用一次,一般消耗150金钱,但在-ar和-tr中消耗400。如果是随机英雄模式,新英雄也是随机的。在禁止重选模式下,不能使用这个命令。
显示当前游戏模式信息: -gameinfo 显示当前使用的游戏模式及其详细信息
交换英雄命令: -swap/-swaphero 显示一个英雄列表,根据提示你可以知道你想交换的英雄的序号。
-swap 1/2/3/4/5 向你想交换的英雄序号玩家提交交换请求。如果他也向你提交请求,交换成功。交换命令可以多次使用,但是只能在开局后90秒前使用。在禁止交换模式下,不能使用这个命令。
检查屠夫堆积力量数: -fs/-fleshstr 只用于屠夫玩家,显示已经有多少力量属性通过它的被动技能获得。
DOTA反作弊命令 :-ah、-antihack
-mode2推荐模式,适用于大多场合 (6.50与6.51中的原理不一样)
清除显示信息命令:-clear 清除屏幕左边显示的信息
查看apm命令: -apm 查看玩家当前的手速,即每分钟的平均操作次数
看各人的afk(away from keyboard)多长时间没有对自己的单位进行任何操作
剔除挂机者:-kickafk # 当有玩家AFK达到额定值时,任一玩家输入该命令都可以将其提出游戏

等级上升: -lvlup 自己的英雄等级上升一级
刷新英雄状态: -refresh 刷新你英雄技能和物品的冷却时间,并且恢复生命和魔法。
出兵命令: -spawncreeps 两方出兵,不干扰正常的出兵
产生神符命令: -powerup 刷新神符,不干扰正常的神符产生。注意如果已经有一个或者少于5秒前有一个就不会产生新的。
刷新中立野怪命令: -neutrals 刷新中立野怪。注意如果某营地附近有能阻止刷新的单位就不会刷新。
自杀命令: -kill 让你的英雄马上死亡
加钱命令: -gold # 增加#金钱

热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 06:00

阿咔莎 (Akasha)
痛苦女王 (Queen of Pain)
Level 1 -闪耀
Level 2 -痛苦尖啸
Level 3 -痛苦尖啸
Level 4 -暗影突袭
Level 5 -痛苦尖啸
Level 6 -音波攻击
Level 7 -痛苦尖啸
Level 8 -闪耀
Level 9 -闪耀
Level 10 -闪耀
Level 11 -音波攻击
Level 12 -暗影突袭
Level 13 -暗影突袭
Level 14 -暗影突袭
Level 15 – 黄点
Level 16 -音波攻击
Level 17-25 – 黄点
-aa - "All Agility"的简称; 强迫所有玩家只能选择敏捷型英雄。
-ai - "All Intelligence"的简称;强迫所有玩家只能选择智力型英雄。
-ap - "All Pick"的简称;玩家可以从敌对双方所有的酒馆中选择英雄。
-as - "All Strength"的简称;强迫所有玩家只能选择力量型英雄。
-ar - "All Random"的简称;所有玩家使用随机从所有酒馆中选出的英雄开始游戏。在这个模式下重新选择需要的花费从200涨到400。
-ctf - "Capture the Flag(夺旗模式)"的简称;在这个模式下玩家不再需要摧毁古代遗迹,而是要到对方基地夺取旗子并拿回己方基地,每个带回己方基地的旗子算1分。任何带有旗子的英雄对所有对方英雄都是可见的并且英雄的魔法值被始终设定为0;最先得到5分的队伍将会获胜(现在这个模式不可以使用) 。
-dm - "Death Match"的简称;如果一个玩家的英雄死亡,那么那个英雄将被移出游戏同时玩家从还剩下的英雄中选择一个新英雄继续游戏。当一个队伍的英雄死亡达到40次时,这个队伍就输掉了比赛。
- - "Duplicate Mode"的简称;不同的玩家可以选择相同的英雄。现在只能同-allrandom模式一起使用。
-id - "Item Drop"的简称;在这个模式下随机的物品掉落取代金钱丢失成为对英雄死亡的惩罚。
-mr - "Mode Random"的简称;从 ar/ap/tr/regular 中随机挑出一个游戏模式。
-re - "Reverse"的简称;己方英雄由对方玩家选择,反之反是。(现在这个模式是不可用的)
-np - "no powerups"的简称,神符不再随机的在河道中间生成。
-tr - "Team Random"的简称;玩家获得一个随机的笨方英雄(近卫军团,或者亡灵天灾),他可以在游戏的第一分钟使用-repick命令花费500金钱来重新选择英雄。

热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 08:08

The big mound clicks Sha pained (Akasha) empress (Queen of Pain) Intelligence type hero attack distance: 600 (long-range) displacement speed: 300 That the big mound clicks Sha is one of uncounted grieved lower sword soul of a deceased person of dying of frost. After the king is revived by witch evil spirit becoming an enchantress, she decides to be that self seeks the new body. In forest, profundity , she have conquered a devil daughter, and have occupied her human body successfully. She is fond of calling "the pained empress " who causes suffering to enemy , besides, has no it well , is true to self's name with the female poisonous devil strike and the enchantress howling. Graceful click Sha ear-piercing screaming can shake the eardrum defeating enemy , a little bit loud screaming can proce Cheng Qiang Li 's sound wave , make the earth's surface levitate even cockles, has to smash earthquake passed by them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Analyse and introce a technical ability The umbra strikes at [D] Shadow Strike To the target throw quench the poisonous dagger , bring about the great amount initiation hurt, and bring about unceasingly follow-up hurt. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. |N range 400, toxicity hurts sustained 15 seconds 1st stage- to the target throw quench the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 50 points hurts, at 10 o'clock/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. 2nd stage- is thrown to the target quenching the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 70 points hurts, at 20 o'clock/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. 3rd stage- is thrown to the target quenching the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 70 points hurts, for 40 points/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. 4th stage- is thrown to the target quenching the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 100 points hurts, for 50 points/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces the target displacement speed. This goes up 1 grades like the technical ability, do not look like that under the same condition not, I rise always all only for recing the speed moving towards 1 step,the technical ability feeling this though general is hurt having arrived at later stage having ignored , not adding in the earlier stage, always a little bit so incorrect feeling, maybe not bad the blink goes up 1 grades, let each other point and then speciality kill some of few blood heroes , monthly evil daughter , tinker , ts and the like. Anyway initial stage everybody's all not very high technical ability lol Evasive [B] Blink The ability that the short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. The ability that the 1st step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 12 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1000. The ability that the 2nd step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 9 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1075. The ability that the 3rd step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 7 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1150. The ability that the 4th step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 5 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1150. As far as I is concerned, I think that this technical ability is the most difficult to use technical ability of qop, why? Not bad go after go into battle being able to run for self's life is not what? But your self dead cert has seen that very many times, one qop being flown ring the period of cd by the appearance going into battle, therefore this flies , why that flies , when flies, cd is so short but it is more dangerous for to have, please read what follows in the passage , paragraph , article , etc. explain that Pained scream [F] Scream of Pain The pained empress sends out keen screaming , the unit brings about to enemy on every side hurt. The 1st step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 85 points to 400. The 2nd step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 165 points to 450. The 3rd step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 225 points to 475. The 4th step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 300 points to 500. Super invincible height hurts technical ability , that I would rather readjust oneself to a certain extent 2 time shouting time 7 steps is able to go to enlarge neither , hurt high range expanding, why may not betoken rise. Surpass sound blast wave [F] Sonic Wave Disengage a sound wave big and powerful, the unit brings about gigantic hurting to a upper enemy of straight line. (The parentheses inner is to own the numerical value time magical Aghanim cane). Disengage a sound wave big and powerful the 1st step-, the unit brings about hurting for 290 points (340 points) to a upper enemy of straight line. Disengage a sound wave big and powerful the 2nd step-, the unit brings about 430 points (530 points) to a upper enemy of straight line hurt. Disengage a sound wave big and powerful the 3rd step-, the unit brings about hurting for 600 points (725 points) to a upper enemy of straight line. That range is big , hurt the high , unique pretty pass's is that I often lose empty space , see also often others lose empty space , having been that location is very close, the angle has alternated skill displayed in making opening moves , a Polland get out has been big as if range is as slowly changeable as artwork, therefore close taking a rest standing has not been arrived at- _ _ to some extent on the contrary _. Have lost face in here , have been not frequent fortunately, face continues having written if not so , neither. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The hero fixes position QOP is to use the most hero of number of times since I play with dota. I am ganker to his allocation. The technical ability , blink that height hurts, rece the speed. If but being able to let him bring force into play on prompt presence, accommodating oneself to that he needs so is advanced level , reason why this Have been cause of common qop solo now of the same kind. During the period of others is still 7 8 steps, you already 11 steps what be needless to think of, a f adds a big 2 steps of move ws, since having arrived at person , that person affirms that being a rigid character, only certainly is not to speak _ being readjusted oneself to a certain extent this 2 technical abilities- _ _ by your god of the earth. But be to help teammate gank under ordinary circumstances ,this has been present regiment p since very too, the technical ability consumes a devil , gives way to you therefore impossibly flit to and fro , Du Lai Du Qu , Jiao Lai Jiao Qu , the person blood being able to lose a comparatively consummate w , opposite side is to decrease by very big a section , that moment having estimated that their first ideas are to run , go up to go after with the teammate now, you have needed to be shouted by the people that the teammate asks to stay to have lived with the technical ability with those, poison , relations with people have come right away all. Unless restricting because of the mana, being especially smooth add supplemental a knife time the solo, be very more painstakingly than going to goes into battle only , gives 2 to a teammate as change causually since 1, buys insurance simplely if not being equipped with now not likely especially howly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Main route The qop technical ability route is very unitary , is that 213 and then 23 has mutually rising greatly in general big , had not seen other rise temporarily law, have neither having this seemingly well. But his article route may have been contention of a hundred schools of thought , the souls of the dead book , red battle , blue battle, refresh , the be in a draught , changeable sheep, ices the eye , linken. Many qop can all put up equipment major part above in fact since arriving at later stage- _. And then what to differentiate however send out first, why goes to make use of coming to fight the equipment that self proces. My self feeling with the most being also has been a route be in a draught best. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be in a draught being changed into a sheep Have done what you like at the back First come to speak me why I do one's utmost to be fond of going out of first being in a draught. Possibility comparison that can chat is distant , the forceful hero can play arrive at 3 role within one game, as a technical ability: 1 brings about pressure for enemy; 2 relieves our side pressure; 3 very cattle b. Nonsense- _-, but reality is not a little bit. What shouts bringing about pressure for enemy , the technical ability holds in the mouth , others is able to have giving consideration to because of you, even if you are not in his side, he also is afraid of you abrupt tp he may be afraid that what magic figures drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune you have eaten more , lead to but action be forgiven by the bundle if on your absent map. For instance , wanting to get rid of a farm not daring go to, have wanted to kill a person not daring go into battle , had thought of adding supplemental knife estimation being bold neither. Have achieved this has relieved self here pressure right away at the same time at all. But be only an all the time farm Oh farm if but you do not all participate in any battle within 20 minutes,you gave a hand right away neither including going into battle by force under the tower in the past , the enemy knew you move towards one farmer very obviously , went into action not having any misgiving, your teammate also weakens because of being short of a forceful assistant of technical ability time battle. This is 1- 1's problem + , achieve scoring 2 marks to some extent,have not achieved losing 2 mark. Guarantee 1 therefore my viewpoint is a farmer disregarding qop does not all ought to do a entire ty under any situation, even if tactics is 4, you also ought to be one in 4 , but not that 1. Within comparatively high game of strength, always brush the soldier line with f, with the soldier prompt have pushed going to across the way , have had no and as well an ability pushing tower's words, will represent that road having been controlled by enemy, the soldier estimates that gleam having returned. Self has been difficult to strike money not only , the teammate has also had no turbid experience of local , qop has become the hero who attacks only when average so right away if but charging a line for adding supplemental a knife,that my fairly not as upper as souls of the dead dragon, be also that average go at can drive the small dragon to field pawning an eye. Higher authority moves towards my viewpoint to qop. Why do take place so being in a draught? Because of the article being in a draught being that one charges field, in 3 every replaces map lining , cd is very short, p uses as long as being willing to give up a regiment 4, has been a very easy mansion 5 time , your air-out assuming a regiment p has used out 4, 5 time , this time of meeting has lost? May let an enemy g out halves? Even if such not being willing to give up using is extravagant, in the significance being in a draught when striking field operations outside, I think that I also am needless to say much. Being able to be prompt secondly changing a sheep, still is to charge field's , I think that the changeable sheep had better be in a draught ring the period of the enemy has the comparatively flinty hero only , have but always being better than having no , special if being when your parallel here person cattle b, be changed into a sheep right away very well. Cause has spoken no longer much , has said play. 6 eats a tree and then the branch buying 57 other attacks the knife easy to repair right away for adding point, middle on the way, the road goes to a road , can the solo, is a solo best , is to want a grade because of this strikes law. Add supplemental a knife , use up self sparing no effort go and repairing the good person her skill displayed in making opening moves that can feel that action may play has been very slow , has only play having accommodated oneself to much well , 600 range has been controlled person be also not half bad. Be well under way if you are that carry walks , draw near the road left so please, but draw near right if being to step down a road. Why? Gank has time to compose out reporting coming the enemy because of principle forest entrance and exit, has , the tree stands if being a note , serious injury , grave effect estimating that you have not seen enemy even if having eaten a technical ability not having died yet develop; 2nd, ken is extensive , carry is well under way along natural calamities especially, many natural calamities people is fond of a note grove help the station left has depended on point , must want your him not ncessarily, but you affirm the idea watching because of you fail to see him, he, circumstance is moved towards well from 2. Ps: 1 I am always artificial leg , shield , sheep reviving being in a draught,such play of mkb. The meeting exchanges into the axe purifying a knife sparing time from main work to attend to something else once in a while, exterminate a knife also often secretly. I want to say several several more than normal to exterminating a knife secretly , am a very good dps implement in fact. Be not to believe in in fact, quietness has gone to the heart go to play with several set with going out out secretly having known. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Souls of the dead book I self is to have no fighting like this Been over, had only look at quite a few people taking place like this, Shan kills an ability very forceful, that speed whips a devil also quickly, within poisonous time attracting a devil is to reach sm in fact. Can get much relations with people , can support blood if smooth, that the unique shortcoming is estimated is the technical ability not still being broken. Concrete play has also thought of out depending on imagining. Kill a person in the ordinary time courting poisonous book person f f w etc., write one move time regiment p looking for what sk Oh this few devil technical abilities are strong be attracting that the once, or few devils of blood are many if Zeus sucks and then be staring at dozen of bar ... In taking place slowly, other is equipped with later stage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice eye This take taxi many also, bring a shoe along or bring the shoe It both along, 2300 1200 2300 ices an eye then , that I perceive this play is very forceful , key depends on this ice eye comes out whenever being able to be bare but. Affirm cattle b if being that 20 minutes have controlled out,if 30 minutes take place just now, then very general other people has also had good equipment , 30 minutes have not gone out of yet , can only speak right away not having finished fighting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red battle Purpose is for being advanced with the burst power to the limit very obviously, in the prompt take place red battle queen can be everywhere relaxed having no way with relations with people, the shortcoming asks the ceaselessly people to stay to need to stay only neither, all second- _ _. The main shortcoming , the same stuff have only get old Go home since the complete devil has done right away , technical ability cd has wanted to continue killing a person quickly, old vivid sign very good except luck. Later stage still needs to rotate not certainly having needed litre of grade-5. Kill a person process flies over very simplely, poisoning the f w electricity. Few direct blood same stuffs lose clean , multiple spot will strike several time of average go at more than normal. Big moves lose to much places of person and then head for directly the fewest people of blood time regiment p going to, this person all is that the strong technical ability intelligence type hero is the first to be affected needing to kill second in general. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article aspect difference has been the earlier stage mainly , has arrived at later stage being striking a dozen still has needed to if it were dps having added half meat pretend to be the most frequent All above has been comparatively popular play , has been also that comparatively pragmatic effect is also very good and. Create something new and original I am that one has not all seen that temporarily , what counts the Jin Shuang knife once in a while all is to have held others's inheritance- _ _ like that. The hod is really that the once had not watched and so on , feels that only maybe being able to have good effect. That qop is in fact in this way strong hero that are put into use is really not a city very difficult to set master of technical ability free after all ,'s, grasping and standing position difficult to be opportunity.


热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 10:33

The big mound clicks Sha pained (Akasha) empress (Queen of Pain) Intelligence type hero attack distance: 600 (long-range) displacement speed: 300 That the big mound clicks Sha is one of uncounted grieved lower sword soul of a deceased person of dying of frost. After the king is revived by witch evil spirit becoming an enchantress, she decides to be that self seeks the new body. In forest, profundity , she have conquered a devil daughter, and have occupied her human body successfully. She is fond of calling "the pained empress " who causes suffering to enemy , besides, has no it well , is true to self's name with the female poisonous devil strike and the enchantress howling. Graceful click Sha ear-piercing screaming can shake the eardrum defeating enemy , a little bit loud screaming can proce Cheng Qiang Li 's sound wave , make the earth's surface levitate even cockles, has to smash earthquake passed by them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Analyse and introce a technical ability The umbra strikes at [D] Shadow Strike To the target throw quench the poisonous dagger , bring about the great amount initiation hurt, and bring about unceasingly follow-up hurt. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. |N range 400, toxicity hurts sustained 15 seconds 1st stage- to the target throw quench the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 50 points hurts, at 10 o'clock/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. 2nd stage- is thrown to the target quenching the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 70 points hurts, at 20 o'clock/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. 3rd stage- is thrown to the target quenching the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 70 points hurts, for 40 points/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces target displacement speed. 4th stage- is thrown to the target quenching the poisonous dagger, initiation bringing about 100 points hurts, for 50 points/ 3 seconds of follow-up hurt , continue for 15 seconds. The short time inner reces the target displacement speed. This goes up 1 grades like the technical ability, do not look like that under the same condition not, I rise always all only for recing the speed moving towards 1 step,the technical ability feeling this though general is hurt having arrived at later stage having ignored , not adding in the earlier stage, always a little bit so incorrect feeling, maybe not bad the blink goes up 1 grades, let each other point and then speciality kill some of few blood heroes , monthly evil daughter , tinker , ts and the like. Anyway initial stage everybody's all not very high technical ability lol Evasive [B] Blink The ability that the short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. The ability that the 1st step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 12 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1000. The ability that the 2nd step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 9 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1075. The ability that the 3rd step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 7 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1150. The ability that the 4th step of- short distance moment moves lets a hero come in and go out of in the battlefield freely. 5 seconds of cooling time. Minimal from when 200, is maximal from 1150. As far as I is concerned, I think that this technical ability is the most difficult to use technical ability of qop, why? Not bad go after go into battle being able to run for self's life is not what? But your self dead cert has seen that very many times, one qop being flown ring the period of cd by the appearance going into battle, therefore this flies , why that flies , when flies, cd is so short but it is more dangerous for to have, please read what follows in the passage , paragraph , article , etc. explain that Pained scream [F] Scream of Pain The pained empress sends out keen screaming , the unit brings about to enemy on every side hurt. The 1st step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 85 points to 400. The 2nd step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 165 points to 450. The 3rd step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 225 points to 475. The 4th step of- pained empress sends out keen screaming , the range inner enemy unit brings about hurting for 300 points to 500. Super invincible height hurts technical ability , that I would rather readjust oneself to a certain extent 2 time shouting time 7 steps is able to go to enlarge neither , hurt high range expanding, why may not betoken rise. Surpass sound blast wave [F] Sonic Wave Disengage a sound wave big and powerful, the unit brings about gigantic hurting to a upper enemy of straight line. (The parentheses inner is to own the numerical value time magical Aghanim cane). Disengage a sound wave big and powerful the 1st step-, the unit brings about hurting for 290 points (340 points) to a upper enemy of straight line. Disengage a sound wave big and powerful the 2nd step-, the unit brings about 430 points (530 points) to a upper enemy of straight line hurt. Disengage a sound wave big and powerful the 3rd step-, the unit brings about hurting for 600 points (725 points) to a upper enemy of straight line. That range is big , hurt the high , unique pretty pass's is that I often lose empty space , see also often others lose empty space , having been that location is very close, the angle has alternated skill displayed in making opening moves , a Polland get out has been big as if range is as slowly changeable as artwork, therefore close taking a rest standing has not been arrived at- _ _ to some extent on the contrary _. Have lost face in here , have been not frequent fortunately, face continues having written if not so , neither. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The hero fixes position QOP is to use the most hero of number of times since I play with dota. I am ganker to his allocation. The technical ability , blink that height hurts, rece the speed. If but being able to let him bring force into play on prompt presence, accommodating oneself to that he needs so is advanced level , reason why this Have been cause of common qop solo now of the same kind. During the period of others is still 7 8 steps, you already 11 steps what be needless to think of, a f adds a big 2 steps of move ws, since having arrived at person , that person affirms that being a rigid character, only certainly is not to speak _ being readjusted oneself to a certain extent this 2 technical abilities- _ _ by your god of the earth. But be to help teammate gank under ordinary circumstances ,this has been present regiment p since very too, the technical ability consumes a devil , gives way to you therefore impossibly flit to and fro , Du Lai Du Qu , Jiao Lai Jiao Qu , the person blood being able to lose a comparatively consummate w , opposite side is to decrease by very big a section , that moment having estimated that their first ideas are to run , go up to go after with the teammate now, you have needed to be shouted by the people that the teammate asks to stay to have lived with the technical ability with those, poison , relations with people have come right away all. Unless restricting because of the mana, being especially smooth add supplemental a knife time the solo, be very more painstakingly than going to goes into battle only , gives 2 to a teammate as change causually since 1, buys insurance simplely if not being equipped with now not likely especially howly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Main route The qop technical ability route is very unitary , is that 213 and then 23 has mutually rising greatly in general big , had not seen other rise temporarily law, have neither having this seemingly well. But his article route may have been contention of a hundred schools of thought , the souls of the dead book , red battle , blue battle, refresh , the be in a draught , changeable sheep, ices the eye , linken. Many qop can all put up equipment major part above in fact since arriving at later stage- _. And then what to differentiate however send out first, why goes to make use of coming to fight the equipment that self proces. My self feeling with the most being also has been a route be in a draught best. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be in a draught being changed into a sheep Have done what you like at the back First come to speak me why I do one's utmost to be fond of going out of first being in a draught. Possibility comparison that can chat is distant , the forceful hero can play arrive at 3 role within one game, as a technical ability: 1 brings about pressure for enemy; 2 relieves our side pressure; 3 very cattle b. Nonsense- _-, but reality is not a little bit. What shouts bringing about pressure for enemy , the technical ability holds in the mouth , others is able to have giving consideration to because of you, even if you are not in his side, he also is afraid of you abrupt tp he may be afraid that what magic figures drawn by Taoist priests to invoke or expel spirits and bring good or ill fortune you have eaten more , lead to but action be forgiven by the bundle if on your absent map. For instance , wanting to get rid of a farm not daring go to, have wanted to kill a person not daring go into battle , had thought of adding supplemental knife estimation being bold neither. Have achieved this has relieved self here pressure right away at the same time at all. But be only an all the time farm Oh farm if but you do not all participate in any battle within 20 minutes,you gave a hand right away neither including going into battle by force under the tower in the past , the enemy knew you move towards one farmer very obviously , went into action not having any misgiving, your teammate also weakens because of being short of a forceful assistant of technical ability time battle. This is 1- 1's problem + , achieve scoring 2 marks to some extent,have not achieved losing 2 mark. Guarantee 1 therefore my viewpoint is a farmer disregarding qop does not all ought to do a entire ty under any situation, even if tactics is 4, you also ought to be one in 4 , but not that 1. Within comparatively high game of strength, always brush the soldier line with f, with the soldier prompt have pushed going to across the way , have had no and as well an ability pushing tower's words, will represent that road having been controlled by enemy, the soldier estimates that gleam having returned. Self has been difficult to strike money not only , the teammate has also had no turbid experience of local , qop has become the hero who attacks only when average so right away if but charging a line for adding supplemental a knife,that my fairly not as upper as souls of the dead dragon, be also that average go at can drive the small dragon to field pawning an eye. Higher authority moves towards my viewpoint to qop. Why do take place so being in a draught? Because of the article being in a draught being that one charges field, in 3 every replaces map lining , cd is very short, p uses as long as being willing to give up a regiment 4, has been a very easy mansion 5 time , your air-out assuming a regiment p has used out 4, 5 time , this time of meeting has lost? May let an enemy g out halves? Even if such not being willing to give up using is extravagant, in the significance being in a draught when striking field operations outside, I think that I also am needless to say much. Being able to be prompt secondly changing a sheep, still is to charge field's , I think that the changeable sheep had better be in a draught ring the period of the enemy has the comparatively flinty hero only , have but always being better than having no , special if being when your parallel here person cattle b, be changed into a sheep right away very well. Cause has spoken no longer much , has said play. 6 eats a tree and then the branch buying 57 other attacks the knife easy to repair right away for adding point, middle on the way, the road goes to a road , can the solo, is a solo best , is to want a grade because of this strikes law. Add supplemental a knife , use up self sparing no effort go and repairing the good person her skill displayed in making opening moves that can feel that action may play has been very slow , has only play having accommodated oneself to much well , 600 range has been controlled person be also not half bad. Be well under way if you are that carry walks , draw near the road left so please, but draw near right if being to step down a road. Why? Gank has time to compose out reporting coming the enemy because of principle forest entrance and exit, has , the tree stands if being a note , serious injury , grave effect estimating that you have not seen enemy even if having eaten a technical ability not having died yet develop; 2nd, ken is extensive , carry is well under way along natural calamities especially, many natural calamities people is fond of a note grove help the station left has depended on point , must want your him not ncessarily, but you affirm the idea watching because of you fail to see him, he, circumstance is moved towards well from 2. Ps: 1 I am always artificial leg , shield , sheep reviving being in a draught,such play of mkb. The meeting exchanges into the axe purifying a knife sparing time from main work to attend to something else once in a while, exterminate a knife also often secretly. I want to say several several more than normal to exterminating a knife secretly , am a very good dps implement in fact. Be not to believe in in fact, quietness has gone to the heart go to play with several set with going out out secretly having known. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Souls of the dead book I self is to have no fighting like this Been over, had only look at quite a few people taking place like this, Shan kills an ability very forceful, that speed whips a devil also quickly, within poisonous time attracting a devil is to reach sm in fact. Can get much relations with people , can support blood if smooth, that the unique shortcoming is estimated is the technical ability not still being broken. Concrete play has also thought of out depending on imagining. Kill a person in the ordinary time courting poisonous book person f f w etc., write one move time regiment p looking for what sk Oh this few devil technical abilities are strong be attracting that the once, or few devils of blood are many if Zeus sucks and then be staring at dozen of bar ... In taking place slowly, other is equipped with later stage. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ice eye This take taxi many also, bring a shoe along or bring the shoe It both along, 2300 1200 2300 ices an eye then , that I perceive this play is very forceful , key depends on this ice eye comes out whenever being able to be bare but. Affirm cattle b if being that 20 minutes have controlled out,if 30 minutes take place just now, then very general other people has also had good equipment , 30 minutes have not gone out of yet , can only speak right away not having finished fighting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red battle Purpose is for being advanced with the burst power to the limit very obviously, in the prompt take place red battle queen can be everywhere relaxed having no way with relations with people, the shortcoming asks the ceaselessly people to stay to need to stay only neither, all second- _ _. The main shortcoming , the same stuff have only get old Go home since the complete devil has done right away , technical ability cd has wanted to continue killing a person quickly, old vivid sign very good except luck. Later stage still needs to rotate not certainly having needed litre of grade-5. Kill a person process flies over very simplely, poisoning the f w electricity. Few direct blood same stuffs lose clean , multiple spot will strike several time of average go at more than normal. Big moves lose to much places of person and then head for directly the fewest people of blood time regiment p going to, this person all is that the strong technical ability intelligence type hero is the first to be affected needing to kill second in general. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Article aspect difference has been the earlier stage mainly , has arrived at later stage being striking a dozen still has needed to if it were dps having added half meat pretend to be the most frequent All above has been comparatively popular play , has been also that comparatively pragmatic effect is also very good and. Create something new and original I am that one has not all seen that temporarily , what counts the Jin Shuang knife once in a while all is to have held others's inheritance- _ _ like that. The hod is really that the once had not watched and so on , feels that only maybe being able to have good effect. That qop is in fact in this way strong hero that are put into use is really not a city very difficult to set master of technical ability free after all ,'s, grasping and standing position difficult to be opportunity.


热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 13:14


热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 16:12




热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 19:27

女王好用啊 出来直接憋圣剑 等憋到6把就出去杀人嘛

热心网友 时间:2022-05-24 22:58


热心网友 时间:2022-05-25 02:46


热心网友 时间:2022-05-25 06:51


热心网友 时间:2022-05-25 11:12

1L真强大 完全看不懂