

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 18:15



热心网友 时间:2023-11-09 16:16

多穿点衣服Put on more clothes

特德,今天你最好多穿点衣服。Ted, you'd better put on more clothes today.  多穿点衣服,外面很冷。(表示动作)Put on more clothes; it's very cold outside.  

我的暖气坏了,多穿点衣服吧。My heater is broken, so wear lots of clothes.  天气变冷了,多穿点衣服。It's colder, please put more cloth on.  

你应该多穿点衣服来保护你免受寒冷。You should put on more clothes to protect yourself from cold.  provided by jukuu

所以多穿点衣服,万一温度下降呢。So put on more clothes in case the temperature goes down.  

英语多穿点衣服,注意保暖怎么说?Please put on more clothe to keep warm.  iask.sina.com.cn也许我们应该多穿点衣服。Maybe we should have put on more clothes.  provided by jukuu

多穿点衣服,外面冷。Put more clothes, it's cold outside.  请带好你的雨伞,多穿点衣服。Please take your umbrella and wear more clothes.  

多穿点衣服,要不然你会感冒的。Eg: Wear more clothes, or you'll catch a cold.  天太冷你应该多穿点衣服。You should dress for cold weather day.  

请多穿点衣服吗,外头很冷。Now, please, dress warmly. It's quite cold out tonight.  他要是多穿点衣服,也不至于着凉。If he had put on more clothes, he wouldn't have caught cold.  provided by jukuu

你可以多穿点衣服。You may put on more clothes.  多穿点衣服就行了。Just put on more clothes.  

每个人都告诉我过马路时要小心,多穿点衣服保暖等等&我感觉自己如同一个25岁的大孩子一样。Everyone told me to be careful crossing the street, and to wear more clothes so I would stay warm.  

暖气机我的暖气坏了,多穿点衣服吧。藉由排汗(把体内毒素)排出你发烧了?heater ( n.) My heater is broken, so wear lots of clothes. sweat something out You have a fever?
